Monday, November 3, 2014

What does 'Always' mean to you?

"Christlike meekness takes bold, aggressive obedience."

Definition of Meekness - strength under control  

It is difficult to be humble, to place oneself out there and allow vulnerability to show. But with God, not much else matters (material things, what people think, personal accomplishments) because you learn that everything you do is for Him and  Him alone: His timing is perfect and He provides Always. What more do you need?

I have found that since embracing my faith that I am more ME than I have ever been. I have gotten stranger, crazier, and much weirder. But I love it. I embrace it and I rejoice in it. I am ME and whether someone likes that or not does not matter because why? Because I am HAPPY. Worries and concerns are lacking. And from this, my imagination has expanded. Ideas and dreams have come to life upon paper that I only ever dreamed of. 

We are all born with talents. These talents are not easily discovered and, through trial and error, sometimes they are revealed. And we must use them once we find them. Don't let your talents collect dust and grow atrophied with disuse. Repetitively and consistently use them!  Use them boldly. Use them aggressively. Use them hopefully!

A friend of mine once asked me, "What does 'Always' mean to you?"

('Always' is a small but very impactful and powerful quote from Harry Potter that's represented and cherished through the whole fan-base. But it's meaning surpasses just the story. It is more.)

What Always means to me:

"It means 'hope'. It means good memories and good friends; it means a love and a passion for what you believe in, for yourself, and an acceptance of yourself and those around you to be who you are and embrace it. It is love; it is truth, but mostly... it is hope."
1. Always trust in God
2. Always have hope in your back pocket
3. Always love with your entire self - allow no dark corners, fall to your knees willingly, and leave the door wide open
4. Always rely on truth - it will be your mentor
5. Always follow the path least traveled with faith as your ally
And lastly,
6. Always endure and always persevere. Do not lose your saltiness - it is what makes you YOU and sets you apart - for if you do, what will be left of you?

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